Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Op-Art and Screaming Goats

Completed Op-Art
Just a brief blog update to end September. Let's get rid of these warm temperatures! Blech!
Meanwhile, in the air conditioned art room, we finished some OP-Art exercises in colored pencil. 

Op-Art is short for Optical Illusion art in that a 3D look is achieved from basic flat drawing with some tricks in tones and shape placement. We enjoyed some short videos for a few days of various funky Optical Illusion art.
Op-Art in Progress
Op-Art in Progress
This week we begun studying the difference between Realistic Art, Abstract Art and Non-Objective. I teach it like a number line with each extreme on opposite ends and the Abstract in the middle. We've begun Non-Objective Watercolor Discovery project with learning various Watercolor techniques yesterday.

Moving on to the homefront....I hate how my kids fight. 

But I couldn't help but laugh when Mikelle reported last Saturday morning Christian loaded a loud video of screaming goats on his iPod and slid it under her door while she was still sleeping. I think she was equally mad that I didn't do anything about it. 

Then again, she kept his iPod from him after that and wouldn't give it back. Sounds fair to me.  If you're going to play with the bull, don't be surprised that you get some horns. Well, I guess this is more like those little horns that goats have. Male goats. 

I never had male goats as a kid. Just the female ones. Why? male goats stiiiiiii-iiii-ink!

Obviously, it's bedtime. 

Until next time! 

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