Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Can We PLEASE Have the Carrot?

My focus lately has been splattered all over the place. There are numerous projects and they will get done. But I cannot focus like I should. 

And I'm losing faith in that our house will never get started. Well, I lost faith a long time ago. Then the appraisal came back with flying colors and hope grew again. However, that appraisal was over a month ago.

It's almost Thanksgiving! We call the bank every day. They ask weird questions and we answer them. Now they're asking about our budget for a well now. THERE IS ALREADY A WELL THERE. It's shared by ours and a few other properties. That was all part of the initial paperwork, write-ups, our mothers' maiden name, blood type, and our second grade elementary school teachers' political affiliations.

It's as if they want a stool sample or something and we're waiting for a lab in Tibet on the peak of one of the Himalayas (where the lab work is being transported to the summit and back by Yak) to send back the results. And even then, the results have to go through forty different committees (five or six committees per continent) and then reviewed again. Then they have to check if the Yak was a carrier for Mad Cow Disease. If it was, we'll need another stool sample and send it again, but it has to be accompanied by Sherpa.

Therefore, we're that pathetic bunny. We're just a pawn in their funny games. There's nothing we can do because we're two dimensional - at the mercy of the big three-dimensional bullies.  

And there's nothing we can do.

And a lesser annoyance, now that it's almost December, if we don't start building soon, we'll be stuck moving in the summer again! But at least the house will be done.  

Or will it?

I'm doubtful. Very doubtful.
Anyway, another project that needs some attention are the Christmas cards. I wanted to wait to show off some of these family picture shots, but I'm so frustrated with other things, now is as good of a time as any. 

Now to figure out the Christmas cards!

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